Monday, January 2, 2012

New year's resolution

 In the last hours I am sobering up from all the celebrations, and I realized there are some things in my life I'd like to change from this year on.

 I will spend more time with my family.
They're the only people in the whole world who will be at my side no matter what.

 I will  show my girlfriend that I love her more often.
She totally deserves it, she's the perfect woman after all.

 I will share more with my friends. 
 Too much work has created a distance between us.

I will start working out again.
All this junk food, alcohol and smoking have ruined my body.

I will study more, and I will try more new activities.
Noone got wiser just by sitting infront of a laptop all day long.

I will never stop believing in myself and in people around me.
We all have the potential, all we lack is will.


  1. Ahh, nice read. Hope you have a good new year.

  2. Good for you, that you posted this on your blog. Now you cant turn away from them. I like this leopard.

  3. Stick with those resolutions! They'll swing your life around in a hurry.

  4. My resolution is to grow a goatee and get married (already engaged, facial hair was here in a week)...

    maybe I should've rethought that.

  5. Do work and stick to your goals!

  6. I plan to head back to the gym also! I dropped off when I moved into this new place lol. followed man!
